Τρίτη 1 Νοεμβρίου 2011

A Wedding Story

My mother and father got married. They got married on the 7th of September, 1991. They knew each other 1.5 years before they got married. 300 people attended the wedding. I didn’t attend the wedding because I wasn’t born. A priest married my mom and dad. My mom and dad got married at a church, and they chose that location because it was a nice, traditional church, and the environment was very pleasant, with trees, flowers, etc. The church was like all Christian Orthodox churches in Greece; it had drawn Christian pictures on the walls, candles surrounding the inner part of the church, and especially for this event, there were lots of flowers put in the church as well.

The bride wore a white wedding dress, and the groom wore a dark blue suit. Usually in Greece, the colors that are worn in the wedding are white for the bride and dark blue or black for the groom, so those were the special colors. There were other people participating in the wedding. They were the brides and grooms parents, close and other relatives, and friends of the groom and the bride. There were decorations with flowers that were the same color as the bouquet flowers of the bride. In the church, during the ceremony, there was no music, like all traditional Greek weddings. During the ceremony, the Priests sang Byzantine psalms. After the ceremony, there was a reception (where of course there was food!!!), and there was traditional Greek music, which of course was danced traditionally by the guests, the bride and the groom. Greek and international cuisine was served at the wedding. Later on there was a huge wedding cake.

The special traditions that were observed during the wedding were the bride being escorted to the groom by her father, throwing rice and petals of flowers, and the bride throwing the bouquet of flowers at the single female guests. In Greek weddings, it is a tradition for the bride the be at least ten minutes late at the wedding, leaving the groom waiting. The ceremony lasted 1 and a half hours. The reception lasted 2 hours.

This was a very important day to my mom because by this way her family started, which was the basis for the development of our human society. My mom reflecting back on that special day said, “What I liked the most is beautiful environment of the church, the whole ceremony, the flowers, and of course the presence of so many people which in this way showed their love and appreciation to the new couple. Even if I could, I would not change anything in my marriage, because everything was perfect.

My opinion is that from what I’ve heard  I really like the environment of the church where my mom and dad got married, and I don’t think I would have done anything differently if I were getting married. Maybe, I would choose to get married on an Aegean island like Mykonos or Santorini and to have my reception on the beach.

This is what a greek traditional wedding looks like:

This is what I where i want my wedding to be:

Flower bouquet:

Δευτέρα 24 Οκτωβρίου 2011

11 for 2011

In my pocket i have my locker key and my phone. The last thing i had to drink was water. What makes me happy is when i have a computer. The last really nice thing i did for someone was i fixed their computer! What scares me is when someone scares me and i have no idea they are about to scare me. The last movie i saw was Johnny English 2. The last song i heard was Born this Way by Lady Gaga. The last thing i bought was my new computer. Something i cant live without is my computer. I hope that one day i can be a vetinarian. I can live without well... i cant think of anything i can live without... :)

Τετάρτη 12 Οκτωβρίου 2011

My Name: Panayiotis

     My name is Panayiotis, the origin of my name is Greek (spelled Παναγιώτης) and it is from the greek title of the Virgin Mary Παναγια (Panagia) meaning "all holy" derived from παν (pan, not the cooking pan) meaning "all" combined with αγιος (agios) "holy". I am Greek and my name that i was given is also greek, so my name has a cultural significance.

     My name, its actually a tradition, my 1st grandfathers name is Panayiotis, so i was named after him, and if i had a brother, his name would be after my other grandfather, Andreas, and if i had a sister her name would be Miranta.

    I feel great about my name, and i like my name because it is a unique name that no-one in my school has, and that makes me feel unique. If i have any children in the future, so i can continue the tradition, it will be named after my moms or after my dads name.

Σάββατο 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

My Families Traditions

In my family every new year (31 December - 1 January (0:00) ) we celebrate something called "protochronia" in greek. it means the first day of the year. We all usualy gather at my aunts house (My Family, Their Family, Friends, Relatives, etc.)  We all start showing up at around 8, eat, watch tv, wait for time to pass until it is almost 12 and all the chanels at that time show the countdown till the new year. Once it is exactly 12, we turn all the lights off and on a couple of times, and the exchange gifts, and for good luck somebody has to go out of the house, ring the bell, and come back in. then, we go outside to the balcony, we put a pomegranate in a bag, and we hit it as hard as we can and if it brakes (the pomegranate) it means that you will have good luck during the following year. My family also celebrates christmas. We put up the christmas tree, all the ornaments and stars and lights (usualy at night) and we plug it in! i also have a smaller christmas tree in my room. then on the day of christmas everyone puts their gifts to everyone under the christmas tree. Something else that me and my family celebrate is easter. During easter we make a big basket full of boiled eggs that are red (egg paint) and we have a big lunch with relatives and friends. We each take an egg and hit our egg with someone elses and the winner is the one whose egg does not break.

Τετάρτη 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

My Favorite Spot

This is a really nice beach in Crete, Crete, Greece.

My favorite place in Greece is an island called Crete. on summer vacation, when i went there, we went to a place in Crete called Chania. I like this place because there are alot of archeological cites to see, lots of beaches to go to, lots of hotels, and lots of nice restaurants. The beach waters are really clean, look at the picture, plain blue!!! I hope that i can go there again next summer!!  :-)